Saturday, September 27, 2008


I started having some major bad pain around the base of my left thumb a few months ago, around the beginning of the was really bad. GF said that it was prolly because of my recent exertion on my hands at the gym with the lifting and much for gyming up to the 300 status. Anyways, i stopped and the pain left...for a while.
It resurfaced 3 days ago and it was so mad that i could not even pick up a book with my left hand. I was sha, managing my hand up and down sha.
today, i found out that i have tendonitis...this strain is actually called the 'texting tendonitis'! can you imagine? i have actually read a news article about it before. they were talking about blackberry addictions (which i already have, dont know what i will do without my BB), and texting problems. I just was like whatever.
On my BlackBerry, i text, yahoo messenger chat, email, BB messenger chat, facebook chat, facebook message, write on facebook walls and send texts and shit. I pride myself in been able to type an email just as fast on my phone as anybody else anywhere. Needless to say, i am almost always typing something...Alas, TEXTING TENDONITIS?!! OMG!!

Guess what? i have still been texting and doing all the other blackberry shinanigans all day today, even after i found out about my 'condition' lol! Talk about addiction...CrackBerry!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm Back!!

Actually i have been invisible, not totally absent.
I have been checking up on your blogs pretty regularly. The only problem is that i never left comments because the asses at the IT dept at my job blocked my access to that. But i have definitely been half around, getting my share of laffs, concern, and everything else that comes with your blogs.
Now, i am back...i swear, i am.
oya, allyurz, you said that you will be back when i get journies have ended and i am back...joyfully announcing "Honey, i'm Hooooome!!!"