Monday, June 2, 2008

The Beast!!

I walked into the mouth of this beast with my eyes open
The appeal of its wildness drew me in
i must admit, it wasnt such a beast in the beginning
It grew to the monstrosity that it now is
I thought it was "tamed"
Now i know better, now i see
This is not good for me
This is not a good place for me and i know it
I should turn around and leave this hedious creature
It keeps kicking me in the ass but...
Why cant i just leave?
Run away from this creature that makes my life so difficult?
I have a thousand and one and a half reasons to leave and not look back.
What reason do i have to stay?
I am turning around now, and walking out.
Thats it!!

This is not a poem o, before somebody (you know urself) comes and starts talking about "i dont like poems" lmao!
Its just a thought process.


bumight said...

if it looks like a poem, smells like a poem or even sounds like a poem, IT IS A POEM!

care to interprete?

NaijaBabe said...

I concur @ Bumight!

Stream of consciouness is it then?
Whats up, been a hot minute?

InCogNaija said...

I said it is not a poem, it came out looking and sounding like that. its not my fault that it looks the way it does. Streams of consciousness? maybe...but i stick with what i called it at first, a thought process.

InCogNaija said...

as per interpretation, the beast is the antichrist with the seven horns and seven legs and seven get the pic? it comes to you as meekly as can be imagined and then bites you in the ass when you are least prepared. but you can turn and leave now before its too late. Run, Run, and never return.
good enough?

NaijaBabe said...

Hmmm I see

bumight said...

from ur interpretation it IS a poem! jeez, lets call a spade a spade!

allyurz said...

haha we have a poet on our hands, and bsidez wats wrong with writing poems?? uhn?!

Chari said...

hmmn...impressive work mayn incognaija...

Chari said...

still looks like a poem to me...

InCogNaija said...

maybe if i had just wrote it in prose form, not interjecting the lines,if i just made it a continuous writeup, maybe my "its not a poem" claim might be more plausible se?
Well, fine. Lets say it is a poem. like allmine (allyurz to the rest of you) said,"...and bsidez wats wrong with writing poems?? uhn?!"

Anonymous said...

Its a bit poemish but I think I can accept your "its not a poem" claim.

Good writeup, but considering this is about the anti-christ shouldn't you be walking in with your eyes closed because you are blinded by worldly pleasures,sin and so on. But then with God's grace your eyes are then eventually opened and you see the evil such pleasures mask. Thats when you turn around and walk out.

lol..dnt mind me..Miss analyzer! hehe.

InCogNaija said...

@minky: tnx jare for accepting the "its not a poem" claim.

I walked into it with my eyes open because i knew i was wrong but like i said, "The appeal of its wildness drew me in"...see?

Thanks for analyzing it jare. It shows that you at least gave thought to it.