Sunday, February 10, 2008

The more you look...

maybe what you see is not what you see;
the mind has a way of fusing unrelated events
to conform to what is going thru it,
or maybe the events are actually related
and your mind is trying to disregard the obvious.
Life is full of mysteries;
Unraveling these mysteries
painful, blissful, or neither...
My $19.14 to you...
Just wait and let this fiasco unravel itself!!


Jennifer A. said...


And 1st time on ur blog too, interesting stuff...actually, I'm patiently waiting for the fiasco of my life to unravel itself!!! Yup.

Brilliantly Me said...

Yea...I'm waiting for it to unravel too...and what's $19.14 for?

InCogNaija said...

@jaycee: thanks!!
@Rayo: you know the way pple say my 10cents or my widow's mite, mine is $19.14 cos i am a bit richer than them lol!! and that is my significant number. if you figure it out, i owe you a gift...clue is in one of my earlier blogs. he! he! he!

Semirah said...

I await the revelation too!!!

Brilliantly Me said...

Figure out what??? You this guy, you're confusing me.

InCogNaija said...

@rayo: i meant figure out why i use 19.14...and i gave u the clue.
just a little treasure hunting expedition for you. lol!!

Brilliantly Me said...

Oh ok...I know the answer!!! You're forgetting that I attend a it because of your frat? ...1914...which means that you're not a kappa (as i commented in your cult post), but a sigma


Am I right?

InCogNaija said...

*in a booming voice from the sky* "Rayo...thy smartness knoweth no bounds...thy reward hath been put forth in the mail". lol! and i figured that u were an HBCUite thats why i knew you could def figure it out.
Note that i did not say ye or ne to the answer you gave but thy smartness knoweth no bounds!

Brilliantly Me said...

LMAO!! Thank ye thank don't have to say yay or nay, I already know the answer. And I expect my gift to arrive in the mail no later than Friday afternoon.

Anonymous said...

trying for the 9th one:
Happy Valentine's day!

Ms. Catwalq said...

thou goest to the school on-est the hill-est? in the capital?

InCogNaija said...

@catwalq: i doth goeth to school on the hill...literarily. Bush and i shareth! all i got to do in the morning is look out and holla "howdy George!!" and good ol' George does same "Howdy InCog!!" *strong texan accent*

Brilliantly Me said...

I KNEW IT!!!!!

G-town or G-W or H-U or A-U?

Ms. Catwalq said...

howdy neigbour......

InCogNaija said...

howdy Ms Ctwlq!!

Jayn Sean said...


How are you?

Anonymous said...

im not sure i get this.. its eithr too early or my brain is not what it used to be.. lol,.. ill read it agan.. thanx 4 stopig by my blog tho...

InCogNaija said...

@ Jaybabe: i am fine o. hope the spotlight aint too hot for ya!
@Overwhelmed: i am sure its just too early. lol!

NaijaScorpio said...

Ist time on ur blog and i had to start with the poem post. I hate poems. So u are an innocent naija boy? How come u have confessions to make then? You must not be that innocent.

Toochi said...

waiting man!
just passing through though.

Unknown said...

I totally agreed....guess what??? It's my time to the stalking..I have an idea of who you may be but i like the